Natas Level 4 To 5

21 Jul 2023 - mike

Level 4 -> 5

Game Instructions

We know the routine. Let’s get signed in at the next exercise:

Username: natas5

Sweet… we get this message

Access disallowed. You are not logged in.

Nice. That makes no sense. Let’s look at the source code:

    <!-- This stuff in the header has nothing to do with the level -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    var wechallinfo = {
        "level": "natas5",
        "pass": "Z0NsrtIkJoKALBCLi5eqFfcRN82Au2oD"
    <div id="content">
    Access disallowed. You are not logged in</div>

Hmmm. Nothing I can see. The message says Not logged in, so it must have something to do with the session. Let’s check our cookies and find the one that syas http://natas5.natas.labs.overthewire.organd set the 0 to a 1.

Now refresh the page and BAM!

Access granted. The password for natas6 is fOIvE0MDtPTgRhqmmvvAOt2EfXR6uQgR

Now we have the password for the next level: fOIvE0MDtPTgRhqmmvvAOt2EfXR6uQgR

Let get to it…

Previous post: Natas Level 3 To 4
